9 Katia Bourdarel


Katia Bourdarel is a painter and installation artist from Paris, France.

'Les Eaux Dormantes #1'

Katia Bourdarel was born in Marseille. Katia graduated from the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris with a specialization in "art and space".

'Les Eaux Dormantes #2'

On her website, Katia states that her work revolves around personal and collective memory, pop culture, life and death, good and bad, guilt and innocence, resemblances, dissonances, and intimacy. She uses Greek myths and folktales as inspiration. She had an art show based on the story of Cupid & Psyche. She says in this article (Cimaises-LeBlog, 2012):

« Je me suis penchée sur ce mythe qui commence par « Il y avait une fois » et qui raconte les amours de Psyché, la plus belle des mortelles, et d’Éros, Dieu de l’Amour. Ce qui m’amusait là, c’était la question de la métamorphose ; c’est-à-dire le passage d’un état à un autre. Ici, la métamorphose est une apothéose, puisque la mortelle deviendra déesse. Mais que perd-elle et que gagne-t-elle ? La question qui se pose concerne les enjeux d’une telle transformation. »


"I looked at this myth, which begins with 'Once upon a time', and which tells of the loves of Psyche, the most beautiful of mortals, and of Eros, God of Love. What amused me there was the question of the metamorphosis; that is, the passage from one state to another. Here, the metamorphosis is an apotheosis, since the mortal will become a goddess. But what does she lose and what does she gain? The question that arises concerns the stakes of such a transformation."

'Les Eaux Dormantes #3'

'Les Eaux Dormantes #4'

'Les Yeux Verts #3'

'Les Yeux Verts #4'

'Odalisque', 2014

'Petit Odalisque'

'L’Absence Des Choses #1'

'Le Val Fleuri'

'L’Ombre Du Vent #5'

'Le Ruban #2'

'De Ta Nuque a Tes Reins'

'Sans Titre #1'

'Sans Titre #4'

'De l'Autre Côté I'


'L’Ultime Naissance #1'

'Les Dormeuses I'

'Le Baiser Du Papillon #4'

'Le Baiser Du Papillon #9'

'L’Ultime Naissance #4'

'Les Ailes Inutiles I'

'Les Ailes Inutiles II'

'Les Enfants Perdus, Romeo, Dorian, Charlene, Marjorlaine'

'Petit Frere'

'La Fille Au Corbeau'

'Rita #1'

'Petit Frere, Cerf'

'La Ronde'

'Vue De L’Exposition – Les Nuits De Psyche'

'Bambi Forever'

'Le Secret'

'La Depouille'
